Hi! I hope your week's started off well! I am completely exhausted -- this past weekend was my first weekend reading at a brand new Renaissance Faire and I am totally whipped!
My gypsy vardo worked out very well -- I had half of it set up for doing private readings; I also set up a small table outside for quicker ones. It turned out that the weather was wonderful and everyone wanted to sit outside for the reading. The fair site is kind of wooded, so we had lots of shade and dappled sunlight; it was very pleasant.
The Faire as a whole did very well -- we had a full house Saturday (they had to turn people away from the parking lot!) and did almost as well on Sunday. I think they'll have an expanded parking lot for next week!
I was so busy that I forgot to take pictures -- I'll try and remember next weekend (I'll be there for five more weekends) and will post a couple of photos. Here's a photo I found that shows "part" of my wagon at least! (I'm the blue-and-yellow wagon at the top left)
How about we get on to the reading -- we'll again pull two cards -- the first suggests something we should focus on for the week. The second suggests things we might consider in order to fully benefit from the attributes of the first card. Our cards this week are:
Page of Wands
Queen of Wands
Interesting that we not only have two cards of the same suit, but they follow a progression (Page to Queen)!
The Page of Wands gets very excited about new ideas or concepts. This page will spend time and energy thinking and planning -- he becomes very envigorated over the idea. He tends to be creative -- this page likes to think "outside the box".
While this page is a great thinker and planner, he's not that great a "doer" -- mainly because he usually lacks confidence in his ideas. Let's peek at our next card and see what we can do to help out.
Well, this is certainly a "confidence" card! The Queen of Wands has earned her confidence -- by learning from her experience in prior endeavors. Doesn't mean everything always works successfully first time -- means that she's learned that obstacles can be overcome. Do this enough and you stop worrying about obstacles -- your experience begins to tell you that you did it before and you can do it again. Obstacles lose their ability to worry you -- which is where your confidence comes from.
A person who believes in themselves tends to influence those around her. If you are confident, others become so as well. That's one of the main strengths of this Queen -- she can influence others by her positive and confident outlook.
Let's put these two together -- our Page suggests you may find yourself in a situation where you're considering a new project or idea ... one that interests you. Although you may find the idea appealing, you may doubt your ability to succeed. If we let the Queen help us out here, we can let what we've learned in past experiences to help pull us through.
Have you had other endeavors in the past where you were able to work through issues? This suggests you'll be able to do the same in any future or planned project. Even projects that failed have lessons for you -- are you more capable to succeed because of past failures? Have you learned from them? Learned things to do? Learned things not to do? Frankly, the more you fail at things, the better positioned you are to succeed at your next venture! Those are lessons you cannot learn from a book -- experience IS the best teacher!