Monday, October 31, 2005

Be patient -- you can reach your goal!

I hope your week's begun well; I hope you didn't stumble on the Daylight Savings thing, either! I never can remember "Spring Ahead, Fall Back", because "Spring Back, Fall Ahead" sounds right to me as well. I always have trouble picking between "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue" and "In 1493, Columbus sailed the deep blue sea", too!

I've started my holiday shopping -- I refuse to enter a store between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I used to buy a lot at festivals and fairs; I tend to do Internet shopping nowadays. Hope to be finished with all of it by the end of the month.

Today's a tough day for me -- I've been trying to avoid sugar and candy. I waited until the last minute to buy Halloween candy (I normally buy it early, eat it all, buy it again, eat it all, buy it again, eat it all, etc). Now I'm hoping we have anough kids coming by so I can give it all away. We used to have big crowds several years back, but lately we've only been getting a handful of kids passing by. I think my subdivision is growing up.

How about some quick words from my sponsors, then on to the reading.


(Here're those good folks from Austin!)

Why pay for those expensive psychic phone calls that cost at least $20 per call? Get FREE daily horoscope and Unlimited LIVE Psychic Readings for 5 FULL DAYS. That's 120 hours of Unlimited LIVE Psychic Readings. It's only $1.99 for a 5-Day Trial for unlimited access to Psychic Web. That's less than $.40 a day!

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Psychic Web is your key to unlocking your future. Prove us wrong and click on the link. The Universe Awaits your Arrival!


We'll again pull two cards -- the first suggests something we should focus on for the week. The second suggests things we might consider in order to fully benefit from the attributes of the first card.

The cards are:

Ten of Wands

The Hierophant

Seems like we've been seeing a lot of cards like the Ten of Wands lately. Looking for a quick fix -- the Ten of Wands suggests you'll be disappointed! This card reminds us that sometimes you have to work hard to gain what you want. This might even feel like an ongoing struggle -- you might feel like you never get ahead. When you feel this way, you should objectively and fairly ask, 1) have I really tried? And 2) If I have tried, then have I at least made some small progress? If you can honestly say you’ve tried and that you’ve made even a teensy bit of progress, then you know you can succeed.

It’d be nice to win the game in a single play - but the important thing is winning the game! Doesn’t matter if it’s a last-minute strike or a long, time-consuming grind - the end result is all that matters. So don’t be discouraged by something just because it looks like it might be hard - instead, decide if the end product is something or someplace you’d like to be. If so, then don’t fear the encounter because it seems difficult. The Ten suggests not quitting when times seem tough - be honest in evaluating, but be confident in your abilities.

Our next card helps build on this message. Last week, we saw The Emperor -- a rule giver. This week, we have the Hierophant -- a rule follower. This card likes to do things the traditional and established way. He doesn't call for originality to solve problems; he instead prefers to draw on tradition and do things “by the book”. Remember the old Smith-Barney commercial, "Smith-Barney makes money the old-fashioned way ... they EARN it!" That's the Hierophant. He knows that he will be successful if he simply follows the established path. Might not be the quickest -- but it will get you there.

See the similarity with the Ten of Wands. Neither of these cards suggest looking for quick fixes -- but both emphasize that slow, steady, and honest progress will gain your destination. Don't be discouraged if you don't see your goal right away -- that doesn't mean you're failing! If you just confirm that you are following the proper path, you know you'll eventually successfully reach your goal.

And that's about it this time! I hope things go well for you this week and look forward to talking to you again next week. As always, if you're interested in a private reading, please try my sponsors above or my list of readers at . I also welcome your comments at !

Woodsong --
visit Tarot by Woodsong at

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Woodsong Tarot Reading

Hi there!
I hope your week's been going well; I'm looking forward to the weekend. This is our makeup weekend for the Renaissance Festival.
We're all in costume this year; I actually sewed a costume for my daughter this year! I don't sew, but I had bought a nice Bernina sewing machine about 8 years ago as a present. It never got used, so I thought "Why not? I can follow woodworking directions, I can follow auto mechanic manual directions, so I should be able to follow sewing directions!"
Well, I discovered that sewing directions often leave a lot that you've got to fill in on your own. Still, it wasn't a total disaster (althought I got real good at using a seam ripper!) and I managed to come up with a nice vest, chemise, and skirt so my daughter can be a "wench" this year! Talked her out of the mini-skirt thing, too. I'll try and get her to stay still for a moment this weekend so I can take a picture; I'll try to post it on the website.
How about some quick words from my sponsors, then on to the reading.
(Here're those good folks from Austin!)
Why pay for those expensive psychic phone calls that cost at least $20 per call? Get FREE daily horoscope and Unlimited LIVE Psychic Readings for 5 FULL DAYS. That's 120 hours of Unlimited LIVE Psychic Readings. It's only $1.99 for a 5-Day Trial for unlimited access to Psychic Web. That's less than $.40 a day!
Your 5-day trial or monthly membership includes:
-Unlimited Live Video Chat with Psychic
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Psychic Web is your key to unlocking your future. Prove us wrong and click on the link. The Universe Awaits your Arrival!
We'll again pull two cards -- the first suggests something we should focus on for the week. The second suggests things we might consider in order to fully benefit from the attributes of the first card.
The cards are:
Queen of Swords
Eight of Swords (Reversed)
Note that both of these cards are Swords. Swords suggests matters of intellect and analysis -- perhaps we won't really so much on feelings and intuition, but instead more on thinking about the issues!
The Queen of Swords suggests both book smarts and street smarts tempered with experience. This lady has been around the block -- she's seen a lot and has learned a lot. She can generally think her way out of tough spots because she can step back and analyze a situation. She keeps a cool head and keeps her emotions in check.
This Queen is an awesome resource to rely on when we're facing troubling situations. She's not afraid of facing issues. Let's look at out second card to see how we might be able to use this Queen.
The Eight of Swords suggests those times when we feel "trapped" by circumstances. For whatever reason, we may feel hemmed in; we may feel that we have little free choice and that our courses are already dictated to use by the situation. In fact, the reversal seems to emphasize this aspect of the card.
The truth is very different. What this Eight also reveals is that if we only examine our situation a little more clearly, we'll see there are many avenues of escape available to us. Rather than having limited choice, we actually have a great deal of choice and control over the situation. We'll only realize this if we take the time to critically and objectively examine our situation. And what tool could be better for such analysis than the Queen of Swords!
So, if you feel like you have little control over events in your life, take a little more time to fairly review things. Use what you know and what you've learned to help you spot the choices that are really available to you. You can take control if you want.
And that's about it this time! I hope things go well for you this week and look forward to talking to you again next week. As always, if you're interested in a private reading, please try my sponsors above or my list of readers at . I also welcome your comments at !
Woodsong --
visit Tarot by Woodsong at

Monday, October 03, 2005

Woodsong Reading

Hi there!

I hope your week's begun well; I'm up just north of Philadelphia this week. I was hoping for some cool weather, but it's not going to turn cool till this weekend.

I found out I did suffer a little bit from Hurricane Rita last week -- while we were gone, someone broke into our house and began stealing guitars again!

You may remember that I had about 30 guitars stolen about a year and a half ago. When we returned from our Hurricane Rita refugee experience, I realized several of my newer guitars were missing!

The screwy thing is that we caught the culprit when he returned for another load! My son was alone at home, eating breakfast. The doorbell rang; he ignored it. It rang again; he ignored it again and continued eating. He then heard a strange noise from upstairs, then footsteps on the stairs, then heard someone rooting around in the guitar closet.

He got up to check and surprised the thief as he was removing guitars from the closet! It was one of my younger son's friends; in fact, it was the same person we suspected of the original theft. He claimed he was looking for one of his guitars; my sone threw him out of the house. It seems this kid rang the bell to check if anyone was home, then climbed into an upstairs window to enter the house.

We called the police; they took our story and checked with the kid. The kid said my son had answered the door and invited him in. Since it was his word against my son's, the cops said there was nothing they could do. The DA said that since the boy wasn't actually carrying the guitars out of the house when we caught him (although he was stacking them up to prepare to carry them out), they couldn't actually arrest him for theft.

After the cops spoke to the boy and decided not to arrest him, someone came by the house and broke our upstairs window (I wonder who would have done that!). We've since put a lock on the closet and are going to burglar-proof the windows (and the fence he climbed to reach the upstairs window)

How about some quick words from my sponsors, then on to the reading.


(Here're those good folks from Austin!)

Why pay for those expensive psychic phone calls that cost at least $20 per call? Get FREE daily horoscope and Unlimited LIVE Psychic Readings for 5 FULL DAYS. That's 120 hours of Unlimited LIVE Psychic Readings. It's only $1.99 for a 5-Day Trial for unlimited access to Psychic Web. That's less than $.40 a day!

Your 5-day trial or monthly membership includes:
-Unlimited Live Video Chat with Psychic
-Unlimited Live Psychic Readings
-Email Readings
-Daily/Weekly/Monthly Horoscopes
-Tarot, Rune, I-Ching, Numerology and Biorhythm Readings
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Psychic Web is your key to unlocking your future. Prove us wrong and click on the link. The Universe Awaits your Arrival!


We'll again pull two cards -- the first suggests something we should focus on for the week. The second suggests things we might consider in order to fully benefit from the attributes of the first card.

The cards are:

Ten of Pentacles (reversed)

Three of Swords (reversed)

We've seen the Ten of Pentacles several times in the last month or so -- I think the repetition is meaningful. This is a message we might want to strongly consider.

The Ten of Pentacles refers to fiscal or physical success and contentment. This is a goal we probably all seek. Some folks get lucky and reach this goal early in life; most of us have to work much harder and much longer. We don't always reach our goals -- but that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying. Sometimes it's more important that we're heading in the right direction, even if we don't make it to the final destination.

Our second car -- the Three of Swords -- adds a little to this message. It reminds us that we're likely to have disappointments along the way as we seek our ultimate goal. This is a normal occurrence -- it's going to happen to almost all of us. More than once, too. Maybe even over and over again. That doesn't mean we should abandon our goal -- it just means we can expect to encounter some rocky roads along our journey and we'll just have to work our way through them.

The reversals on both of these cards likely refer to scale and delay. We're not talking about things that will happen today or tomorrow, but are talking about what we might expect while seeking our life goals. Over a long period of time, we'll encounter some reversals -- but we'll also have successes along the way.

Don't get discouraged by short-term setbacks; it's the long-term goals and successes that matter!

And that's about it this time! I hope things go well for you this week and look forward to talking to you again next week. As always, if you're interested in a private reading, please try my sponsors above or my list of readers at . I also welcome your comments at !

Woodsong --
visit Tarot by Woodsong at